
Showing posts from February, 2025


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Quiz □ 2. _ Homework: OKsensay assignment, 1 page in bubble book about what you did during the long weekend. PIN:  wfpf7k


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. RWN pages 54, 61 □ 2. Homework: Quiz Review Sheet Name: _______________              Class: 502/503/504               Number: _________ 1) ________________: marked by burning the skin with a hot iron 2) ________________:   put together; fitted together; built 3) ________________: the act of laying waste; destruction 5) ________________: a song for singing to a child; a soft song 6) ________________: a thick, black, sticky substance made from tar or turpentine 7) ________________: good at thinking of ways to do things; quick-witted 8) ________________: stealing, rob 9) _______________: the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart from all parts of the body 10) ________________: a rise of body temperature above the normal 11) _______________: describes one’s expression us...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 16 – 30, RWN page 53 □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 16 – 30 x 3, defs,x 1, 5 sentences using a vocabulary word. 16) icon: an image used as a symbol for a specific function or meaning 17) item: a single particular object in a group or list 18) climate: a region of the earth having specified  climatic   conditions 19) silent: free from sound or noise 20) agent: a person in charge of a specific task   21) aroma: a distinct smell that fills a space and is usually pleasant   22) hotel: a building with many rooms for guests to sleep in for a short amount of time 23) labor: work that people can do for money   24) motive: something (such as a need or desire) that causes a person to act 25) ego: the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world 26) basic: of, relating to, or forming the base or essence 27) spider: a small creature with eight legs and...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 1 - 15 □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 15 x 3, defs x 1, 5 sentences using a vocabulary word. 1) branded: marked by burning the skin with a hot iron 2) constructed:   put together; fitted together; built 3) daintily: with delicate beauty; freshly and prettily 4) devastation: the act of laying waste; destruction 5) lullaby: a song for singing to a child; a soft song 6) pitch: a thick, black, sticky substance made from tar or turpentine 7) resourceful: good at thinking of ways to do things; quick-witted 8) thieving: stealing, rob 9) veins: the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart from all parts of the body 10) fever: a rise of body temperature above the normal 11) vocal: describes one’s expression using voice or words   12) label: an attachment including important information about the object it is attached to   13) acorn: the seed of an oak tree 14) br...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Unit test □ 2. RWN check, preview Thunder Rose □ 3. Homework: OKsensay assignment PIN:  e66v6y


 Dear Parents, Please see todays blog post. □ 1. Unit Test Review □ 2. Homework: Unit test review worksheet Name: ______________           Class: 502/503/504                                     Number: _____ Directions: Write the words next to their definitions. 1)______________________: a place where dairy products are made 2) ______________________: to present to view 3) ______________________: a container in which cream is stirred or shaken to make butter 4) ______________________: a large spoon commonly used for ice cream 5) ______________________: a fine misty rain 6) ______________________: movable property  7) ______________________: a long severe snowstorm 8) ______________________: causing disgust or dislike 9) ______________________: to make a telephone call or connection 10) _____________________: past tense and past part...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. RWN pages 44, 49 _ □ 2. Homework: RWN Page 95


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 16 – 30, Read Red Kayak □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 16 – 30 x 3, defs x 1, 5 sentences using a vocabulary word. 16) motor: a rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy 17) dialed: to make a telephone call or connection 18) swung: past tense and past participle of   SWING 19) drizzle: a fine misty rain 20) parka: a hooded fur pullover garment for arctic wear 21) artery: a channel (such as a river or highway) of transportation or communication 22) moaned: a low prolonged sound of pain or of grief 23) plot: a small area of planted ground 24) gear:   movable property  25) strange: different from what is usual, ordinary, or expected 26) blizzard: a long severe snowstorm 27) elated: marked by high spirits  28) drained: to make or become gradually dry or empty 29) repellent: causing disgust or dislike 30) organized: describes somethi...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 1 – 15 Read Red Kayak □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 15 x 3, defs x 1, 5 sentences using a vocabulary word dairy farm: a place where dairy products are made 2) soft drinks:   a bubbly drink, usually flavored, that does not contain alcohol 3) potting soil: a mixture of dirt and other substances that people use when placing plants in pots 4) outgrow: to grow or increase faster than 5) prickly: full of small, sharp points 6) metallic: made of or containing a metal 7) polar: relating to the North or South Pole or the areas around them 8) bouquets: flowers picked and fastened together in a bunch 9) exhibit: to present to view 10) churn: a container in which cream is stirred or shaken to make butter 11) harbor: a protected area of water next to the land where ships and boats can be safely kept 12) drama: a movie or television production with characteristics (such as   conflict...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Quiz □ 2. RWN check □ 3. Homework: OKsensay assignment, 10 sentences using a vocabulary word PIN:  39uvdn


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Quiz Review □ 2. Homework: Quiz review worksheet Name: ______________            Class: 502/503/504                                      Number: _____ Directions: Unscramble the words 1) ntienoiayll: __________________________ 2) sitsenntyl: __________________________ 3) rbmuled: ___________________________ 4) opcmrissnos: _______________________ 5) inmteu: ___________________________ 6) etnralu: ___________________________ 7) isdtncae: __________________________ 8) telaps: ____________________________ 9) dmirae: __________________________ 10) hstutle: _________________________ Part B: Write if the sentences are declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, o...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 16 - 30 □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 16 – 30 x 3, defs x 1, 5 sentences using a vocabulary word. 16) anger: a strong feeling of displeasure 17) perhaps: possibly but not certainly 18) husband: a male partner in a marriage 19) drummer: one that plays a drum 20) problem: something that needs to be solved or fixed; a question raised for consideration or solution 21) figure: a number symbol  22) tissue: a piece of soft absorbent paper used for cleaning, especially your nose 23) regular: usual or ordinary 24) butter: a soft, yellow spread made from milk or cream, used in cooking or on food 25) channel: a naturally formed, narrow waterway 26) mustard: a yellow or brown paste made from seeds that is used as a sauce for food 27) denim: a strong, blue fabric, often used to make jeans and jackets 28) lard: a white substance made from pig fat and used i...