
 Dear Parents,

Please see todays blog post.

1. Unit Test Review

2. Homework: Unit test review worksheet

Name: ______________           Class: 502/503/504                                     Number: _____

Directions: Write the words next to their definitions.

1)______________________: a place where dairy products are made

2) ______________________: to present to view

3) ______________________: a container in which cream is stirred or shaken to make butter

4) ______________________: a large spoon commonly used for ice cream

5) ______________________: a fine misty rain

6) ______________________: movable property 

7) ______________________: a long severe snowstorm

8) ______________________: causing disgust or dislike

9) ______________________: to make a telephone call or connection

10) _____________________: past tense and past participle of SWING


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