Dear Parents,
Today in class we did the following:
□ 1. Vocabulary words 16 – 30, Read Red Kayak
□ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 16 – 30 x 3, defs x 1, 5
sentences using a vocabulary word.
16) motor: a rotating machine that transforms electrical
energy into mechanical energy
17) dialed: to make a telephone call or connection
18) swung: past tense and
past participle of SWING
19) drizzle: a fine misty rain
20) parka: a hooded fur pullover garment for arctic wear
21) artery: a channel (such as a river or highway) of
transportation or communication
22) moaned: a low prolonged sound of pain or of grief
23) plot: a small area of planted ground
24) gear: movable property
25) strange: different from what is usual, ordinary, or
26) blizzard: a long severe snowstorm
27) elated: marked by high spirits
28) drained: to make or become gradually dry or empty
29) repellent: causing disgust or dislike
30) organized: describes something arranged in an orderly way
Story summary
In Red Kayak by Priscilla Cummings,
the story revolves around Brady Parks, a teenage boy living in a small town
along the Chesapeake Bay. Brady enjoys spending time on the water with his best
friends, J.T. and Digger, often kayaking and exploring the bay. One day, an
accident occurs when their neighbor, Mrs. DiAngelo, and her young son, Ben,
take their red kayak out on the bay despite bad weather. The kayak capsizes,
leading to a desperate rescue attempt by Brady, who discovers Ben unconscious
and fights to save his life.
As the story unfolds, Brady grapples with
intense emotions of guilt and confusion. He finds Ben in the water. He’s heavy
and unconscious. Brady must battle cold weather and rain to save Ben’s life. He
performs CPR on him while driving a boat in the pouring rain.
In the end, Brady is able to get Ben to
safety. He’s loaded into an ambulance which takes him to a helicopter. When
Brady hears that Ben has a pulse, he’s relieved. He’s saved the life of a young
boy, and learns to appreciate things better.
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