
 Dear Parents,

Today in class we did the following:

□ 1. Quiz

□ 2. Vocabulary words 1 - 10

□ 3. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 10 x 3, defs x 1, 5 sentences using a vocabulary word.

 My apologies for not announcing the quiz last week.

1.      village (n.): a small community of houses and people

2.     bridge (n.): a structure built over a river, road, or valley to allow people and vehicles to cross

3.     excited (adj.): feeling happy and eager about something

4.     exercise (v.): to do physical activities to stay healthy

5.     except (conj.): not including; leaving out

6.     knowledge (n.): information and understanding about something

7.     expect (v.): to think or believe something will happen

8.     quart (n.): a unit of measurement equal to a quarter of a gallon

9.     explain (v.): to make something clear or understandable by giving reasons or details

10. question (v.): to ask about something to find out more 


Teacher Ari


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