Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Consonants /j/, /k/, /s/, RWN pages 284, 289 □ 2. Problem-Solution Essay □ 3. Homework: Problem-solution essay 2nd draft, OKSensay assignment. In order to assist students with the problem-solution essay, I have provided them with the following sentences. Students are supposed to explain the problem and solution in writing. Problem Taiwan once had a massive garbage problem. It’s former nickname was “Garbage Island” due to the amount of trash that would litter its streets. Identify cause From the 1950’s onward, Taiwan became a very wealthy country. As people became wealthier, the amount of trash they generated grew. Solution Recycling, charging more to generate non-recyclable items This video can also be used to identify the solutions to the garbage problem. Regards, Teacher Ari