

 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Unit test □ 2. RWN check, preview next story □ 3. Homework: one page journal about what you did over the weekend.


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary sentence review □ 2. Homework: Review for unit test


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Read Thunder Rose □ 2. Homework: Unit Test review worksheet


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Long Vowel VCV □ 2. RWN Page 55 □ 3. Homework: RWN page 60


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Vocabulary words 1 - 20 □ 2. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 20 x 3, defs,x 1, 5 sentences using a vocabulary word. Only words 1 - 20 are being taught this week. 1) spiral: winding around a center or pole and gradually receding from or approaching it 2) bushel: any of various units of dry capacity 3) massive: impressively large or ponderous 4) hauling: to cause (something) to move by pulling or drawing 5) funnel:   a stack or flue for the escape of smoke or for ventilation (as on a ship) 6) destruction:   the action or process of destroying something 7) almanac: a yearly book that contains calendars, weather information, and dates of holidays 8) census: an official count and survey of people who live in a country or area 9) sociologists: people who study the science of  society ,  social  institutions, and social relationships 10) economists: people who study the flow of money ...


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. Quiz □ 2. _ Homework: OKsensay assignment, 1 page in bubble book about what you did during the long weekend. PIN:  wfpf7k


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □ 1. RWN pages 54, 61 □ 2. Homework: Quiz Review Sheet Name: _______________              Class: 502/503/504               Number: _________ 1) ________________: marked by burning the skin with a hot iron 2) ________________:   put together; fitted together; built 3) ________________: the act of laying waste; destruction 5) ________________: a song for singing to a child; a soft song 6) ________________: a thick, black, sticky substance made from tar or turpentine 7) ________________: good at thinking of ways to do things; quick-witted 8) ________________: stealing, rob 9) _______________: the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart from all parts of the body 10) ________________: a rise of body temperature above the normal 11) _______________: describes one’s expression us...